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SATEL PERFECTA 16-WRL SET-A Centrala alarmowa PERFECTA 16-WRL w komplecie z anteną i obudową

Marka: SATEL
ADI #:PERFECTA16WRLSET-A Model #: PERFECTA16WRLSET-A  Nazwa: SATEL PERFECTA 16-WRL SET-A PERFECTA 16-WRL Control Panel, complete with antenna and casing
  • 8 Programmable hardwired zones on the control panel mainboard - Support for NO and NC type detectors, as well as roller shutter and vibration detectors, Support for Single EOL and Double EOL configuration
  • 4 Programmable hardwired outputs on the control panel mainboard - 2 high-current outputs, 2 low-current outputs, OC type
  • 16 Maximum number of programmable outputs
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