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SATEL MSD-300 Bezprzewodowa czujka dymu i ciepła

Marka: SATEL
ADI #:MSD-300 Model #: MSD-300  Nazwa: SATEL MSD-300 Wireless smoke and heat detector
  • Compatible with MICRA alarm module, PERFECTA 16-WRL, PERFECTA 32-WRL, PERFECTA-IP 32-WRL, PERFECTA-T 32-WRL and PERFECTA 64 M (equipped with PERFECTA-RF module) control panels as well as VERSA-MCU and MTX-300 wireless system controllers
  • Radio signals from a detector can be retransmitted by MRU-300
  • Photoelectric system for detection of visible smoke accompanying the fire development, meeting the requirements of EN 54-7

Sale Type: Wyprzedaż

Image of MSD-300
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