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ADI #:MSC-750 Model #: 5-204-283 Nazwa: METEL 5-204-283 Liquid Leak Sensor
Compatible with MODBUS-RTU RS485
Autonomous relay function
1xProgrammable relay
Opis produktu
Informacje ogólne
The H2O system contains components for water leak detection. The system can operate completely autonomously with output to a local relay or be connected to a Modbus-RTU bus and communicate with a PLC that sends notifications.
Główne cechy
Compatible with MODBUS-RTU RS485
Autonomous relay function
1xProgrammable relay
1xInput for connecting the detection cable/sensor
1xOutput +5V DC/300mA
1xPower input 10-30V AC, 10-60V DC
Operating temperature from 40°C to +70°C
Operating temperature of components from 40°C to +85°C
Kategoria : Czujniki środowiskowe, Czujniki zalania, Produkty, Systemy alarmowe
Kod EAN : 8594183760957
Informacje ogólne
ADI Numer katalogowy
Maksymalna prędkość powietrza
Model produktu
Nazwa marki
Nazwa produktu
7.5m detection cable with extremely durable polymer carrier