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Fermax 1402 Zestaw wideodomofonowy WayKit, zest. 2-lokatorski, z 1 monit. na każde mieszkanie

Marka: Fermax
ADI #:FE-1402 Model #: 1402  Nazwa: Fermax FE-1402 Video-intercom WayKit, set. 2-located, with 1 monitor per flat
  • Intercommunication Establishes communication between monitors installed inside the house
  • Player After 3 seconds, the monitor automatically records a video (if a micro SD card is installed) or a photo of the visitors; you also have the option to manually take a photo while answering the call; the videos/photos recorded from the street panel are displayed on the monitor screen
  • Settings Brightness/contrast, melody selection, date and time, day and night call volume, language selection (16 languages), etc
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