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ADI #:ARAANI FIREG LIC Model #: Araani Fire Guard License Nazwa: Araani Fire Guard License Compatible for (1) Axis Surveillance Camera
Push live video and alarm notifications to security staff or control room
Activate recording of the incident, adding preand post-incident footage
Send recorded video for easy and quick review and analysis of incidents
Sale Type:
Opis produktu
Informacje ogólne
Araani Fire Guard is an intelligent video surveillance solution for Axis cameras, that will trigger an alarm if it sees flames, smoke or smokelike phenomena (steam, damp, dust).
Główne cechy
Push live video and alarm notifications to security staff or control room
Activate recording of the incident, adding preand post-incident footage
Send recorded video for easy and quick review and analysis of incidents
Activate alarm devices, such as speakers or flashing lights, to attract the attention of on-site workers or passers-by
Kategoria : Licencje oprogramowania, Oprogramowanie i licencje, Produkty, Telewizja przemysłowa