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ATTE Power ABOX-XL1 Obudowa zewnętrzna, IP56, 300x220x120mm, dławnice 1xM16 1xM20, miejsce na akumulator 18Ah, systemowe otworowanie w rastrze 10,8mm, tworzywo UV

Marka: ATTE Power
ADI #:ABOX-XL1 Model #: ABOX-XL1  Nazwa: ATTE Power ABOX-XL1 Outdoor enclosure, IP56, 300x220x120mm, 1xM16 1xM20 stuffing boxes, space for 18Ah battery, system punched holes in 10.8mm grid, UV-resistant plastic
  • Possibility of keeping spare cables inside the housing
  • Cable entry through rubber plugs mounted in the housing 1xM16 and 1xM20
  • 4-Brackets included enabling the housing to be mounted without compromising the IP56 protection level
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