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ADI #:8500080FULL-0253X Model #: 8500080FULL-0253X Nazwa: Eaton SY Base-LX-W/RF/R1/WP+SYHO/R1 Symphoni 120 dB Conventional Optic-acoustic Signalling Device
120 dB sound output for effective alerting
Conventional optic-acoustic signaling device
High output LX LED sounder beacon
Sale Type:
Opis produktu
Informacje ogólne
Eaton, alarms and signaling devices, Fulleon, Symphony High Output LX LED sounder beacon VAD, weatherproof, red flash, red housing, VDS approved (SY BASE-LX-W/RF/R1/WP+SYHO/R1 VDS TONE 8).
Główne cechy
120 dB sound output for effective alerting
Conventional optic-acoustic signaling device
High output LX LED sounder beacon
Weatherproof design for outdoor use
Red flash with red housing for visibility
VDS approved for quality assurance
Kategoria : Produkty, Sygnalizatory akustyczne, Systemy pożarowe, Urządzenia sygnalizujące pożar