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HID 20NKS-01-000000 Czytnik Signo 20 Mullion Pigtail, profil Seos, Wiegand, czerwona dioda LED, migająca zielona dioda LED, czarny/srebrny

Marka: HID Global
ADI #:20NKS-01-000000 Model #: 20NKS-01-000000  Nazwa: HID 20NKS-01-000000 Signo 20 Mullion Pigtail Reader, Seos Profile, Wiegand, LED Red, Flashing Green, Buzzer, Black/Silver
  • Highly Versatile - Support for the widest range of credential technologies, including HID Mobile Access via native Bluetooth and Near Field Communication (NFC) capability. Also features Apple’s Enhanced Contactless Polling (ECP) to support credentials in the Apple Wallet.
  • Unparalleled Performance - Ultra secure storage of cryptographic keys on certified secure element hardware, plus a new surface detection feature that allows the reader to automatically recalibrate and optimize read range performance.
  • Connected to the Future - All readers include out-of-the-box support for Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) for secure bidirectional communication. Each reader is also designed to be connected and managed remotely without “sneakernet” or the need to be physically touched.
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