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ATTE Power ASDC-12-120-HS Adapter PoE obniżający napięcie, Vin 13...56VDC, Vout 12VDC, Iout 1A, Pout 12W

Marka: ATTE Power
ADI #:ASDC-12-120-HS Model #: ASDC-12-120-HS  Nazwa: ATTE Power ASDC-12-120-HS PoE adapter for voltage reduction, Vin 13...56VDC, Vout 12VDC, Iout 1A, Pout 12W
  • Solution for powering WiFi devices requiring 12 V PoE voltage from the 48 V PoE line
  • Wide input voltage range
  • Small size of the module
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