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Hanwha WAVE-EMB-04 Wisenet WAVE 4-Channel Embedded Recorder License

Marka: Hanwha Vision
ADI #:WAVE-EMB-04 Model #: WAVE-EMB-04  Nazwa: Hanwha WAVE-EMB-04 Wisenet WAVE 4-Channel Embedded Recorder License
  • Desktop: Wisenet WAVE is offered as software which can be installed onto a user’s desktop running Windows, Linux or Apple/Mac 24 to 64 live high definition video streams can be managed on 32 and 64-bit operating systems
  • Cloud: A cloud-based service which can be remotely accessed by an unlimited number of authorised users from anywhere in the world, offers a hardware free, cost saving method way to take advantage of all Wisenet WAVE functionality.
  • Server solutions: Wisenet WAVE is available as a pre-loaded out-of-box server or software downloadable from our website which enables operators to view up to 64 high definition streams of live video.

Informacje o licencji

Ilość licencji
4 Kanał
Typ licencji

Informacje o produkcie

Nazwa oprogramowania
WAVE Embedded Recorder
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