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Detectortesters Solo330 Tester czujek optycznych i CO

Marka: Detectortesters
ADI #:SOLO 330-001 Model #: SOLO330-001  Nazwa: Detectortesters Solo330 Aerosol Dispenser Cup for Testing Detectors of 65mm Diameter to 110mm Diameter
  • The Solo 330 supports simple functional testing of smoke detectors in complaince with industry codes and standards.
  • Compatible with the Solo range of access poles, the Solo 330 can be used to access detectors up to 9m s in height.
  • Approved by the world's leading detector manufacutrers, the Solo 330 is compatible with the widest range of smoke detectors.


Lekki, Spring Loaded
  • Solo C3 tlenek węgla w aerozolu
Solo czujniki dymu:
  • A3
  • A5
  • A10s
  • A10
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