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Belden 4302UE.00500 18/4 AWG Skrętka BC Security i komercyjny kabel audio, LSZH Jacket Grey, CPR Eca, szpula 500 m

Marka: Belden
ADI #:4302UE.00500 Model #: 4302UE.00500  Nazwa: Belden 4302UE.00500 18/4 AWG Stranded BC Security and Commercial Audio Cable, LSZH Jacket Grey, CPR Eca, 500m Reel
  • Enhances audio quality and provides maximum control to the user
  • Features Bare Wire cable type to better accommodate your precise requirements with maximum productivity
  • Stranded feature for your convenience and ease of usage


Flame Retardant, Możliwość zginania, Stranded
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