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HID 5427CK Gen2 Czytnik Omnikey 5427 CK, 13,56 MHz + 125 kHz, emulacja klawiatury, interfejs USB

Marka: HID Global
ADI #:R54270101 Model #: R54270101  Nazwa: HID 5427CK Gen2 OMNIKEY 5427 Dual Frequency 13.56 MHZ and 125 kHz Keyboard Emulation Smart Card Reader, USB 2 with Removable Card Retainer, Black
  • Dual frequency - Simultaneously supports low and high frequency credentials, including iCLASS Seos,HID Prox,iCLASS SE,MIFARE Classic and MIFARE DESFire EV1; supports NFC
  • Supports mobile access - Available with Bluetooth interface to leverage HID mobile phone credential to access computer, network, data or cloud
  • Supports Seos and Part of the iCLASS SE Platform - Provides multi-layered security that extends beyond the card technology, providing additional protection to identity data.
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