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Videotec WAS0V23L11M00 Zbiornik z pompą spryskiwacza (11 m) wycieraczki do obudów Videotec

Marka: Videotec
ADI #:WAS0V23L11M00 Model #: WAS0V23L11M00  Nazwa: Videotec WAS0V23L11M00 Miscellaneous Tank 23L
  • Versions with delivery up to 5m (16ft), 11m (36ft), 30m (98ft)
  • Pump available in 230Vac, 24V AC and 120V AC (WASPT series, prearranged for DTWRX board for the remote control)
  • In the 11m (36ft) and (30m (98ft) delivery versions the lack of liquid in the tank is signalled following the automatic stop of the pump (except for 11m version of WAS series)
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