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Optex FLX-S-ST Seria FlipX, standardowy wewnętrzny czujnik PIR z obrotową soczewką, zasięg 12 m 85°, biały

Marka: Optex
ADI #:FLX-S-ST Model #: FLX-S-ST  Nazwa: Optex FLX-S-ST FlipX Series, Standard Indoor PIR Sensor with Rotatable Lens, 12m 85° Coverage, White
  • Wide detection up to 12m, 85 degree, and narrow detection up to 18m
  • Superior pet tolerance with new pyroelectric element


Advanced pyroelectric sensor, Anti light disturbance, Excellent catch performance, Łatwa instalacja, Pet tolerance, Rotatable lens, Spherical lens design, Temperature compensation
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