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HID 20TKS-00-000000 Czytnik Signo 20 do montażu na wąskich profilach, złącze listwy zaciskowej, czarno-srebrny (zastępuje R15, RP10)

Marka: HID Global
ADI #:20TKS-00-000000 Model #: 20TKS-00-000000  Nazwa: HID 20TKS-00-000000 Signo 20 Mullion Mount Reader, Terminal Strip Connection, Black/Silver (Replaces R15, RP10)
  • Support for the widest range of credential technologies
  • Ultra secure storage of cryptographic keys on certified secure element hardware
  • Connected to the Future - All readers include out-of-the-box support for Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) for secure bidirectional communication
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