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Hanwha SBP-160HMW1 Aluminum Core Hanging Mount, Plastic Cap, White

Marka: Hanwha Vision
ADI #:SBP-160HMW1 Model #: SBP-160HMW1/VEX  Nazwa: Hanwha SBP-160HMW1 Aluminum Core Hanging Mount, Plastic Cap, White
  • Camera Mount offers a reliable, convenient mounting solution
  • Built with aluminium product material to offer great versatility and allow creativity and innovation in design and construction


Core : Aluminum / Cap : Plastic, White, Mount screw size : TR20

Hanwha Vision

XND-C6083RV, 7083R, 7083RV, 8083R, 8083RV, 8093RV, 9010RV, 9081RV, 9082RV, 9083R, 9083RV, PND-A6081RV, XND-6083RV, XND-8082RV, XNF-9013RV, XNV-C6083R
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