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ADI #:STI-34601 Model #: STI-34601 Nazwa: STI 34601 Wireless Doorbell Button
Alerts when doorbell button is pressed
Requires STI receiver
Water / weather resistant for outdoor use
Przegląd produktów
Informacje ogólne
Discover the convenience of the Safety Technology International Wireless Doorbell Button, model STI-34601. This robust device alerts you when the doorbell button is pressed and is essential for any STI receiver setup. Designed to withstand outdoor conditions, it is both water and weather-resistant. Operating at a distance of up to 500 feet with a 433 MHz frequency, it ensures reliable performance. Additionally, it features a low battery indicator and boasts an easy installation process. Enhance your home security and convenience with this efficient doorbell button. Don't wait, upgrade your doorbell system today!
Główne cechy
Powiadamia po naciśnięciu przycisku dzwonka
Wymaga odbiornika STI
Odporny na wodę / warunki atmosferyczne do użytku na zewnątrz
Działa w odległości do 152m (linia wzroku), 433 MHz
Wskaźnik niskiego poziomu baterii
Kategoria : Dzwonki do drzwi i gongi, Produkty, Sygnalizatory alarmowe, Systemy alarmowe