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ADI #:7062 Model #: 7062 Nazwa: Fermax 7062 Skyline S-2 Surface Box
To install a plate it is necessary to place a box in the wall where the plate will be fixed later
It is recommended to use a surface-mounted box when you want to avoid drilling a hole or when it is impossible to drill one (marble or stone facade, etc.)
The depth is only 33mm, and its design fits perfectly with the aesthetics of the plate. In the case of a combination of several plates, the use of a separator set is not necessary
Przegląd produktów
Informacje ogólne
Do wykonania instalacji panelu należy umieścić obudowę w ścianie lub murze, do którego zostaje przymocowany panel.
Główne cechy
To install a plate it is necessary to place a box in the wall where the plate will be fixed later
It is recommended to use a surface-mounted box when you want to avoid drilling a hole or when it is impossible to drill one (marble or stone facade, etc.)
The depth is only 33mm, and its design fits perfectly with the aesthetics of the plate. In the case of a combination of several plates, the use of a separator set is not necessary
Available for all series. Select the required case from the series as appropriate
Kategoria : Domofony, wideodomofony i osprzęt telefoniczny, Komunikacja, Obudowy do wideodomofonów, Produkty